The project
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Entreprecariat - An unpretentious NLP test - is a project evolved in various months, with the vision to bring some of the most interesting works of the late years about labour in a Digital Humanities perspective.
Entreprecariat is a neologism formalized by Silvio Lorusso, that combines the word 'entrepreneur' and 'precariat' as the core of the creative jobs in our days. The meaning of 'entreprecariat' is well explained in the homonym book written by Lorusso and first published in 2018.
This project aims at analysing with authomatic tools this new reality of entreprecariat, trying to inspect the semantic area to which this word, that is a neologism, belongs to and which are the main concepts related to it. A topic analysis will help to have an overview of the themes handled by a corpus of selected books that covers the same thematics.
Furthermore, a network analysis of the main entities will be provided in order to bring the concept from a theoretical point of view to a more concrete one, not just the semanticity but relations between the real actors.
This project has been conducted by Giusy Grieco and Bianca La Manna, for the course "Digital Text in the Humanities: theories, methodologies and applications" of the Master's Degree "Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge", under the supervision of Professor Tiziana Mancinelli. Know more about The Team.
To see the results and the analysis take a look into our GitBook at this link