Research Question 2
Which are the main topics of Silvio Lorusso's book?
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Which are the main topics of Silvio Lorusso's book?
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The information society is characterised by the "lack of sense" of which Bifo talks about.
The presence of precariat is typical of all the countries "existing under contemporary information capitalism" (Foti, 2013). The inspecting on the work of Silvio Lorusso inside a larger corpus gave us the possibility to generalize some underlying concepts and patterns that are assumable by a close reading of "Entreprecariat" and were also emerged in a dispersed and less systematic way in the word embedding tests.
Transparency and reliability to exploit the hidden semantic structure in documents has been provided through the fine tuning of the parameters, set by subjective decision. It is important to state here that the LDA algorithm is stochastic, hence the corpus has been associated to 5 topics, each of which has generated 25 words, taken from the corpus itself.
Answer: The topic detection has revealed and confirmed that Lorusso's work is one of the most authoritative in the field, if we want to talk about creativity, labour and geek economy. It must be said that the results of Topic Detection among documents are more eloquent than the book itself, if compared to the other masterpieces.
Topics have been detected as follows:
Topic_0: POLICY
The list of the main word per topic can be download in .csv format here:
Insights: The life of the precarious worker is intertwined with its cornerstone of creativity and risk. The interesting fact is that, reading the words extracted with the topic modelling, it comes natural to identify in them a narrative of our times. It must be underlined the unpredictable showing up of the terms "migrant", "woman", "rights" inside the same topic, i.e. "Policy", since those are the same terms selected by the ONU for the 8th one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals which were established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 (the full title of the Target 8.8 is: "Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment").
Relevant words generated in the second topic - sharing economy - delineate some essential points connected to technology and society. Digital platforms are essential to develop the contacts of a community. The mission is intertwined with the user expectations, and every service is a response to a user's call. Business in the sharing economy usually have roots in startups or crowd based funding.
Topic_2, has been nominated "Entreprecariat Life" and is well connected to what states The Guardian: "Neoliberalism sees competition as the defining characteristic of human relations. It redefines citizens as consumers, whose democratic choices are best exercised by buying and selling, a process that rewards merit and punishes inefficiency. It maintains that “the market” delivers benefits that could never be achieved by planning." In the post-neoliberalist era, the entreprecariat relies on the management of his/her creativity to model the path to success.
War, unemployment, populism and recession in Topic_3 are terms that denote an overall negative connotation of Capitalism society, what Mark Fisher had called Realism Capitalism.
Finally, Zeitgeist topic is named after some interesting words that seem taken from books here not analyzed: terms like depression, attention and desire can easily refer to the condition of "the culture in a Liquid Modern World" of which the philosopher Baumann talks about.