
Innovations and precariat: where are we going?

Innovation nowadays

Talking about neologims and innovation in the context of the Entreprecariat lead us to reflect about the main questions of the XXI century. As Entreprecariat, many other terms and expressions has been the clear reflection of the zeitgeist, meaning a mirror of social dynamics, desires and thoughts. In the freemium economy of AI content generation, the figure of the artist has to avoid the romanticizing cycle of its figure and to give a try onto the contemporary risks in terms of governance and legacy for the imminent future.

The evolution of the labour market

In the last years the number of studies related to the figure of the precariat have increased.

This is a signal of social changes that we are intuitively observing in our lives, and that has been analyzed in details by different authors.The young artists are called to be entrepreneur of themselves in order to find a job, on the counterside also adults find it difficult to have stability, while people with a stable jobs have to continuously reinvent themselves too. Silvio Lorusso underlines the change of meaning in the concept of 'precariat', following Alex Foti's theorization, with a shift from a condition of uncertanty that used to change in time, to a permanent condition of the workers, as a new form of employment.

Is entreprecariat-ism a global phenomenon?

The book "Entreprecariat" has been published in 2018. In those four years, this new condition of work has become a matter of fact. What it is still interesting to inspect is to which extend this social changes affect the whole world. Entreprecariat has been proposed as a global phenomenon. However, by looking at the actors involved, as for the organizations and places, it is possible to identify a specific target affected by those social changes.

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