Outcomes and Insights

What we can infer from our results and some answers to our research questions

Given those analysis, we can inspect our results and make some inferences.

It can be seen from our results that if from one hand our expectations have been largely confirmed, on the other some interesting pattern emerged, bringing to new questions and to possible future paths for further studies.

As we observed from the results that came out from the data, and the largely agreement between the books both on thematics and entities involved, we decided to provide our results according to a double perspective: on one hand we sum up what are the evidences, on the other we will provide some speculations made by absence. In this way, it is possible to make some insights on the actual reality on this phenomenon, giving a different and more inclusive point of view from the one given by the authors.

The following section we will give the answers to the research questions according to this structure:

  • The main outcomes, from the code provided in the previous sections, will be shown

  • Answer: the direct answer to our research questions that comes from the observation of the outcomes

  • Insights: the results-by-abstraction, i.e. what we could infer by observing which counter-aspects of the same problem are never mentioned and trying to suggest some meaning to those absences.

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